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Remote Work Tools
1/3/1 Time Allocation
Reserve 1 day for the past (i.e. bugs), 3 days for the present (i.e. sprint backlog), 1 day for the future (i.e. backlog grooming).
If you don’t use all of your time allocation for the past or future, use the remaining hours to learn a new skill, fix technical debt, etc.
Rotating, Dedicated Bug Triage Support
“If you want to get ahead, DON’T look busy”: https://lithespeed.com/if-you-want-to-get-ahead-dont-look-busy/
Dummy “Bug Fixes” Stories
Kanban Swimlanes
Reserve time to fix bugs, handle emergency issues, and resolve implementation debt during every sprint.
Reserve time for the whole team to be engaged in Definition of Ready activities for future work.
Allocate teams for 60% - 80% of their potential capacity for optimal output.
WARNING: Teams working at 100% capacity are slower!
It is OK for people to be idle for a little while. During times of lower demand, encourage teams to work on Individual Growth, Research Unknowns for future work, or work on Optimizing for Flow over staying “busy”.
T3.2 - Time Allocation
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Remote Work Tools
Planning Poker
Mike Cohen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrIZMuvjTws
Mob Programming
YouTube time-lapse example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVqUcNKVbYg
Kanban Boards
Sprint Backlogs
Plan together as a whole team, junior and senior team members, leads and employees, implementation, design, and testing.
CAUTION: It’s important for the growth and education of junior team members for them to hear, learn, and discuss how to plan for upcoming work.
Talk about the entire effort to be done, from beginning to end, as an entire team.
CAUTION: It’s important that different team members understand the work of their teammates; there are often insights to be gleaned between tasks.
Check again for any remaining questions, and answer them during planning; if they cannot be answered, put the job aside until you can get the answers.
WARNING: Assumptions are the largest cause of rework; teams often waste more time during rework than during waiting for an answer; teams engaged in rework appear busier, but actually have lower output.
If you estimate, every team member needs to think about and estimate the entire job to be done.
WARNING: Do NOT estimate role-by-role and use the sum total.
TIP: If a team member doesn’t understand someone else’s job, have them guess; comparing guesses against reality promotes cross-learning and cross-awareness within a cross-functional team.
Encourage volunteering for work assignments to promote ownership and responsibility.
T3.1 Collaborative Planning
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Remote Work Tools
Story Splitting
Work in Progress (WIP) Limits
The velocity of end-to-end production is equal to the slowest step in the process.
TIP: To identify the slowest part of the system, look for the biggest bottleneck, where work is ready but not being worked on.
TIP: To help identify the biggest bottlenecks it is important to “visualize the bottlenecks”. For example, add a column in a Kanban board specifically for blockers so that they can be quickly found and resolved.
To optimize the slowest part of the system, look for blockers and prioritize removing all impediments first.
Smaller pieces flow through the system faster.
TIP: “Small” is relative for each team, but teams with the highest-measurable performance often achieve tasks of less than 1 day of effort.
Tasks should be independent and verifiable.
TIP: “Verifiable” doesn’t have to involve a user or an interface; you only need to verify that the task is done.
Batch related tasks together to save time on shared activities (e.g. prototyping and regression testing).
T3.3 - Flow & The Theory of Constraints
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Google Docs
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Atlassian Confluence
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Microsoft Office Online
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Remote Work Tools
Definition of Ready
Definition of Done
CAUTION: Delivery to the customer is often outside team control and is traditionally NOT included in the Definition of Done.
TIP: In the Scrum framework, the Definition of Done defines what is necessary to get sign-off from a Product Owner - the person responsible for deciding what the product will or will not contain.
Definition of "Done Done"
INVEST Criteria
Automated Subtasks
Atlassian Blog - Creating Definition of Done in Jira (also applicable to Definition of Ready):
Create a checklist of common activities and deliverables required to avoid rework at later stages of implementation.
TIP: Periodically revisit this checklist and remove items that no longer affect rework.
Include items that result in task-switching, forcing people to stop working mid-stream, or put that item aside, until you have the missing item.
Not everything on the checklist will be applicable to every task, but you should check if each checklist item is necessary for every task.
TIP: The AMMI Design category of practices makes a great starter Definition of Ready.
T3.6 - Checklists
Defects (Bugs)
Disgruntled Employees
Impediments & Delays
Lack of Communication
Late-breaking Requirements
Low Output
Siloed “Not My Job” Thinking
Unhappy Stakeholders
Problems Experienced Without These Practices
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Remote Work Tools
“First Things First” by Stephen Covey (”7 Habits of Highly Effective People”)
“Stop Starting and Start Finishing”
Impediment Tracking
Sprint Planning
Big Room Planning
Devote time regularly towards deciding the priority of tasks, then start at the top and work down the prioritized list.
WARNING: Priority is not absolute; it changes over time; reprioritize frequently.
Minimize multi-tasking - switching back and forth between multiple tasks; complete a task before moving on to the next task.
TIP: You can work on multiple projects effectively; the key is to not have to think about a sub-task again after completion.
It’s not enough to plan time to work on items, you must plan how and when you will finish them.
TIP: When you don’t know how long a task will take, prioritize and research Unknowns First to enable serial delivery.
Prioritize and resolve impediments as soon as possible, inside and outside your team.
Minimize teams (or teams of teams) working on multiple projects simultaneously.
TIP: If you have multiple teams, it’s sometimes better to divide the project between teams, when possible, to accelerate learning, completion, and delivery.
T3.4 Prioritized Serial Delivery
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Pricing: https://miro.com/pricing/
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Enterprise (G-Suite) Pricing: https://gsuite.google.com/pricing.html
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Pricing: https://podio.com/site/pricing
Remote Work Tools
Working Sessions
Pair Programming
Mob Programming
Working sessions aim to complete an item of work by the end of the session.
CAUTION: Meetings by definition need only discuss the work, leaving the work to be done outside of the meeting, which delays completion.
Establish a clear set of goals or an agenda for the working session before it begins.
Invite anyone who might be a hindrance to the completion of the work, with the goal to answer unknown questions that may arise.
CAUTION: When you encounter an unknown question that cannot be answered by those in the room, it is better to adjourn and seek the answers than to continue based on assumptions.
TIP: If a vital participant is not available, break the work down into sub-tasks that can be completed without that person, and return to the dependent sub-task when the person is available.
Use agendas to only require attendance of the people necessary to complete the work at the appropriate times.
CAUTION: While the goal is not exclusion, requiring attendance of people who are not involved may delay their ability to complete other necessary work.